Vicor Module and Power Supply Design & Selection Tools

Selected calculator:

Resistor Values for Variable Output Voltage Trimming
Vicor product:
Maxi, Mini, and Micro
Potentiometer value:
• 10K recommended for VI-200 and VI-J00
• 1K recommended for Maxi, Mini, and Micro
Notes:   VI-200 and VI-J00
Maxi, Mini, and Micro 
— Minimum preload of 1% should be maintained
— Consult factory when trimming below –10%
Factory Set Output Voltage:
Minimum trimmed Vout:
V  or  Vnom%
Maximum trimmed Vout:
V  or  Vnom +%
Desired low trim limit:
V  or  Vnom%
Desired high trim limit:
V  or  Vnom +%

Trim down resistor value: K ohm
Trim up resistor value: K ohm

Rd = Trim down resistor
K ohm
Ru = Trim up resistor
K ohm
Pot. = Potentiometer 
K ohm